
A comfortably clothed employee is a happy employee and a happy employee is the most productive one. A uniform is a set of clothes as prescribed by the organisation to its employees to accomplish one or more of the following attributes: to bring about a uniformity among the work force, to bring about a discipline to the work culture, to differentiate the work force for various reasons and to develop an identity in terms of image to appeal to the interest of its stake holders. Organisational uniforms have been a form of authority since the imperial era and uniforms are the most common visual identity and workers take greater pride in wearing uniforms of a happy company. Certain organisations also use uniforms to communicate without words, like how they want their work force to be seen. Another aspect of the uniform is that when a group of people wear the same uniform, they are made to believe they are one and this unity will help avoid any differences and thus they are motivated to work well together. At the end of the day, the companies pay for their peoples'  time expecting them to attain certain standards set by them and uniform is one easy way to get them all to conform to a specific standard.

Uniforms definitely help the organisation achieve certain objectives but above all, without doubt, the main reason is to take into account the organisation’s view of how they want their biggest resource, their manpower, to be seen in the industry world. Not only all the advantages of uniforms the organisations aim to achieve are packed in the concept of workwear but it also includes perspective of the employee and what they want their work clothes to accomplish for them. What makes a uniform transform into a workwear are the features that are added to a simple garment that helps the employee perform his work better in terms of physically, functionally and psychologically. It could be as simple as a padded back that helps him to lay flat and work comfortably under an assembly, multi gusset pant that helps him stretch his legs better, extra sturdy pocketed vests to carry his tools, a fire retardant fabric that keeps him away from blisters or a super soft and comfortable fabric to suit his work environment. It can also be uniform that helps identify and establish a rapport when interacting in customer service, helps command respect and authority among a team or can be loud and colourful highlighting the spirit of the team. These factors automatically correspond to the psychological high of an employee. 

Every kind of workwear is an uniform, but not every uniform becomes workwear. Anthropologic designers at Workaholic will help you upgrade your current uniforms to high performing workwear by studying your work environment and work needs and also suggest ideas from their combined knowledge about work place dressing, textile and garment technologies.
