Idea of Uniform work attire

Benjamin Franklin said motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes, we at Workaholic say motivation is when you put on dream work clothes. But when we talk about work uniforms, one would also wonder why should someone wear the same clothes to work everyday? May not be an uniform, but great minds like Mark Zuckerburg, Steve Jobs, Barrack Obama and a whole lot of successful people did wear the same clothes to work every day. Wearing the same clothes to work everyday or uniforms, as we call it, has lot of advantages. It makes your clothing decisions in the morning straightforward and saves a lot of time and energy. It also saves a lot of stress in thinking about if the clothes are good enough to be impressive in front of others. Also, when you know your workmates are going to be wearing the same clothes as you, it strengthens the belongingness to the team. It is also an effective way of saving money. So the uniform does have a lot of advantages.

The old saying, “You can’t judge a book by its cover” may be true, but book jacket and product packaging designers around the world have created an industry betting that people do judge and purchase products based on how they look. So if we agree that looks are important and that uniforms have a lot of advantages, we have to ask ourselves how much real effort goes into designing and procuring the right uniform except for the year end purchase decisions in a corporation. A well designed work wear includes a process where the wearer’s concerns are well heard and requires their participation too. This process by itself is morale booster, a situation they appreciate a lot, after all these would be the clothes they would be wearing for the major part of day, in fact their life. Well designed work wear is intended to consider the physical, emotional and functional needs of the wearer and the working environment and would also encompass the message the corporate wishes to communicate to its stakeholders.

Idea of Uniform work attire